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End of Year Celebration 2019
End of year celebration 2019

What is AHTOCC?

The Anoka-Hennepin Teachers of Color Coalition (AHTOCC) formed because of persistent racial isolation in our district. We are a coalition of educators of color dedicated to their own personal and collective empowerment within their school community through advocacy, mentorship and partnership. Our first meeting took place on January 4th, 2013 with high school colleagues who began the conversation of how to support and sustain ourselves in a difficult profession. Since then, our network reaches organically to teachers across early childhood, elementary, middle and high schools in our district.

With the help of AHEM, we organized informal gatherings/dinners together to build networks and relationships amongst teachers district-wide. AHTOCC now serves as an official standing committee within AHEM to support the voices of teachers/union members of color within our local union and district. We have a a yearly budget that supports events, leadership stipends and PD for our members as well as bring forth concerns and needs to district and union leadership in relation to teacher retention. Natasha Brown-Guhin and Verna Wong serve as standing committee chairs within AHEM.

Over the years, AHTOCC has developed partnerships with many organizations to support our teachers. Through our partnerships with the Coalition to Increase Teachers of Color, Education Minnesota and Institute for Teachers of Color (ITOC), there is a growing base of teachers and organizers with whom we work closely to strengthen the network and capacity of MN BIPOC teachers. Our members have led PD workshops, affinity spaces, mentored and facilitated courses that center around the assets and cultural wealth of racially, culturally and linguistically diverse teachers. 

Our Professional Development Opportunities/Partnerships include:

What are AHTOCC meeting times?

AHTOCC meets three times a year, aligning with fall, winter and spreng trimesters. The meetings take place mostly outside school building spaces in order to encourage teachers to feel free to express themselves concerning their unique teaching environments and experiences. Any teacher who self-identifies as BIPOC is welcome to join these gatherings and take part in professional development opportunities. 

To contact us, complete the  Contact Form

Newsletters and Resources

Fall 2021

Retention Recommendations to PACREE and A-H School Board

Restoring Our Roots 2021 Newsletter 

Spring 2021

Spring 2020

Winter 2020

Fall 2019

Winter 2019

Winter 2018

Fall 2018

Archives from 2016