An estimated 350 Anoka-Hennepin teachers packed the District Staff Development Center on November 6 to voice their concerns with working conditions to the school board.
Three times per year teachers participate in Meet and Confer where the school board members hear about what’s working and what’s not working in classrooms.
Over and over elementary teachers communicated that increased workload, constant testing, student behavior and lack of para support are significant stressors that impede students’ learning. Standing ovations were given for the teachers who took the risk of retribution and spoke out about the desire to be treated as professionals and not as robots that deliver scripted, unimaginative curriculum. High school teachers spoke about a highly successful literacy grant. After showing data and facts that support real student improvement, they urged the board to allow teachers to maintain the strategies gained through the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Grant. Coon Rapids Middle School teachers spoke eloquently and passionately about the negative effects they are experiencing with overcrowding.
Student behaviors escalate quickly, principals are stretched, and teachers have no space to prep. The room was filled with teachers holding back tears as they listened to their colleagues’ daily struggles.
We saw last Wednesday night what the power of unity can accomplish. As one member said, “Seeing the rooms filled with our teachers tells me we are united in what is best for our members. Regardless of what was said tonight, we made a statement, which for me was transformative. Decisions are made by those who show up... we showed up and supported our members and everything we stand for.”
Thank you, members, for showing up.
At the next Meet and Confer we expect a follow-up from the district on all of the topics that were discussed.
Please put March 4, 2020, on your calendars for the next Meet and Confer, and let’s keep up the momentum of positive change.